Friday, August 25, 2006

Touchdown Jesus ?

High on the predictable list of ND ranting is the overwhelmingly false claim that the institution somehow produces better behaved citizens.

Where to begin ?

How about we start with the Trail of Death in 1838 when the Potawatomi tribe was forced from their land resulting in the deaths of women and children ? No proud history in that title search.

A casual search of current public records will reveal: pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, wife beating, embezzlement, athletic sex/payment scams, an entire list of scurrilous activities that would embarrass a Barbary Pirate.

The facts and logic indicate that the ND community is no better or worse than the cross section of the general population which they represent

Maybe Jesus isn't signaling a touchdown from his stained glass viewpoint (another inappropriate, smug reference by irreverent Domers) but more likely raising his arms in disbelief at the behavior before him ?

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